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Please note that Investment Visa will use the above details to contact you only. By submitting this form, you confirm that you agree to our website terms of use, our privacy policy and consent to cookies being stored on your computer.
Introducing Marketing Director, Joana Balsa leading the Marketing Division at Investment Visa

The team comprises eleven talented individuals with expertise in Journalism, SEO Analysis, Communications Design, Web Design & Development, Social Media Management, Data Analytics, and Paid Campaigns. Joana Balsa has over 18 years of experience in B2B and B2C Digital Marketing, having worked in numerous areas within the marketing sector such as product management, data analysis, and customer digital experience.

Mkt Team Alegria W2048trimmedInvestment Visa - Harland & Poston Group Marketing Division (Left to Right: Stefanie Mendo, Fábio Jardelino, António Lima, Aline Carvalho, Miguel Curto, Joana Balsa, Filip Bejnar, Flávia Morais, José Soveral, Inês  Rodrigues, Paulo Bernardes, and Tiago Fernandes).  

As the Marketing Director at Harland & Poston Group, Joana will provide leadership and direction on the future goals and values the group and its affiliate companies hold, and give expert guidance to the future growth of our Marketing team members.

Our CEO David Poston would like to personally extend a welcome to Joana Balsa to the company and the team. 

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