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Family moving abroad through an Investment Program.

Why do Investors Choose Investment Immigration Programs?

Investors immigrate through investment programs not necessarily because they want to live in the country of choice, but because of what the country has to offer. Besides Residency, countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Italy offer a higher standard of living and education, better healthcare infrastructures, strong economies, and politically stable scenarios, ideal for a Plan B situation or an exit strategy. Alternatively, becoming a citizen of countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia guarantee the protection of capital, wealth, and a plethora of tax benefits. Plus, all these allow visa-free travel to more than 100 countries worldwide, serving as the perfect tool for international mobility. It is important to think of the reasons why you are pursuing immigration by investment and establish your own objectives, ensuring the program caters to you. 

Here are some questions to keep in mind when selecting a country to invest in: 

  • Do I want a higher quality of life? 
  • Do I want access to more developed education systems for my children? 
  • Do I want access to better healthcare infrastructure? 
  • Do I want lower taxes and more benefits than in my current country? 
  • Do I want to have a Plan B in a politically secure and peaceful country? 
  • Do I want to retire to a country with more enticing climate conditions? 
  • Do I want to secure a brighter future for me and my family?

Understanding Programs’ Requirements

It is important to note that requirements are not universal, and each country has its own set of criteria, which the applicant(s) must meet in order to apply for the investment immigration program. These requirements tend to follow the same broad guidelines, and understanding the generality will help you better grasp the specificities of the program of your choice. It is also critical to keep in mind that complying with the program’s requirements is essential, as your Residency or Citizenship status might be otherwise revoked.

Minimum Stay Requirement

Some countries’ options to immigrate by investment will require the investor to spend a certain amount of time residing in the country, while others will specifically mention that the investor does not have to step foot into the country. Before endeavoring through a program that has higher requirements when it comes to a minimum stay, consider if you can comply. For example, if you need to travel many times for business purposes, then it might be worth it to consider a less strict program. 

Language Requirement

Residency by Investment programs will not typically require the investor or their dependents to know the country’s official language. Regardless, legal and taxation matters will always be dealt in the language of the country, and you can bypass this hurdle without issue with the help of our advisory team at Investment Visa. 

However, Citizenship by Investment programs might require the investor to pass a language proficiency test, which, generally speaking, asks only a basic understanding of the language. This does not apply to the Caribbean countries, as most of them have English as their official language.

Taxation Requirement

If you become a Resident or a Citizen of a foreign country, you might become liable to pay taxes in either or both countries. It is important to note that countries typically tax their residents or citizens if they have stayed within their borders for over 183 days in a tax year. It is always worth considering if the country of your choice has a double taxation agreement with your country of origin, in order to avoid paying double the amount of taxes. Another point to keep in mind is if the country proposes any benefits such as no taxation on income, wealth, gift, or inheritance.  

Investment Requirement

Investment programs by immigration will often present different and various paths to obtaining Residency or Citizenship, thus allowing investors the ability to choose what is best for them. Not all countries offer all the options listed below, but you can find the most common ones. 

Purchase of Real Estate Properties 

The purchase of Real Estate properties is by far the best and most popular option of immigration by investment to obtain Residency or Citizenship, and the one Investment Visa recommends. Firstly, it allows investors to own property overseas, which can serve as a base of operations for a Plan B or an exit strategy. Secondly, it provides the possibility of obtaining a return on the investment through either rental of the property or reselling it after you have achieved your Residency or Citizenship goals. Finally, it is often the most cost-effective option, as is the case of the Greece Golden Visa, which unlocks the path to EU Residency with an investment of €250,000. 

Investment Visa has a plethora of Real Estate properties in the best locations and most popular locations in countries that offer options for immigration by investment. Our track record in guiding investors to obtaining their Residency and Investment is excellent, courtesy of our experts’ multiple decades of experience. 


Other Options

Some countries also allow the purchase of government bonds, which usually have a lower risk, but are tied down to the government itself, or corporate bonds, which present a high-risk high-reward scenario. Donations are often the easiest and most straightforward option since they do not require dealing with taxes or the law, but considerable amounts are usually required for the contribution, and present no return on the investment or profit. A subscription to an investment fund is also a more increasingly common option, and so is starting a business venture that leads to the creation of jobs in the country of choice, though these are time-consuming and require multiple advisors to handle each specific aspect, such as legislation, economic factors, and the local markets.  

Investment Visa is the Ideal Partner For You 

Investment Visa is a prestigious British-owned firm, part of the Harland & Poston Group, and we are fully dedicated to guaranteeing the best quality of service for our clients. Together, our advisory team has more than 25 years of experience with Golden Visas and Passports, and we have guided hundreds of investors to a brighter future. 

Our advisors strive to cater to your needs and ensure you get a full, comprehensive analysis of your situation, and a road map from the day you begin the process until you get your Residency or Citizenship documents. Investment Visa will always be at your side through every step of the way, ready to answer any questions or doubts you may have. Contact us today and receive the best help and guidance.



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