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Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024

Choosing the Best Country for a Real Estate Investment

When considering buying property as an investment, there are some key indicators that you need to take into account so you can increase your chances of a healthy investment. They also apply for foreign properties, with the addition of a few more things to keep in mind.

Supply and Demand

The best starting point for almost every investment is to enter a market with low supply and high demand. Profits will be bigger and getting clients will be easier. The same goes for real estate. Countries with fewer options for buyers and renters will see property values increase. That means that if you buy a property on that market today, you will be able to either resell it for a higher price in the future or rent it with healthy margins.

Real Estate Market Growth

Getting ahead is also another great move in any investment landscape. For real estate, investing in a place that is under populational growth, urbanization, and infrastructure development is a good move. Those factors are strong indicators that the location is on its way to becoming more attractive and that will bring new people eager to live in that area. And what will those people need? Yes, a real estate property. Because of that, those are some of the best countries for real estate investment.

The same goes for places with a stablished or growing tourism industry as they usually have year-round occupancy, especially if you invest in commercial real estate such as hotels and resorts.

Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024


Social, political and economic stability are very important markers for a country’s real estate market. By taking that into account, you are protecting your investment, as having a property in places at risk of conflicts, economic crashes or political coups will decrease the value of property and maybe even jeopardize its physical structure.

Tax Regimes and Interest Rates

If your idea is to buy a property that will bring profit, either during a future exit strategy or as a rental, you need to include the tax regime and interest rates of the place you are planning to invest in your math. Otherwise, you might be paying more in taxes and fees than the property will ever make.

Other Types of Return

There is a unique real estate characteristic that almost any other type of investment has: there is more than one way of getting return from it. Rental and selling with profit margins are the classical, and very tangible ones.

But a property can also bring other types of return such as: quality of life in case of relocation, a great option for a vacation getaway or the possibility of increasing your global mobility by the getting a second residency or dual citizenship through a Golden Visa real estate investment option.

In other words: the true return of your property will also depend on your goals and aspirations.

5 Main Benefits of Buying a Property Abroad

There are many reasons why buying a property overseas can be beneficial, and many of them interconnect, depending on where you choose to invest. It is important to keep in mind, above all, what matters the most to you among all the topics presented below.

1. Securing a Recurrent Income Source

If you are not buying a property to live in, then you can use it as a short, middle or long-term rental property. In some cases, the income the property generates will be enough to pay for itself, and down the road, to become a constant source of passive income.

2. Getting a High Return

When buying at a growing market, a real estate property can become an amazing way of getting high margin returns. If you buy it for an affordable price, you can see its value increase rather quickly. Sometimes a renovation will help but, in some markets, just the location of the property will be enough to make its value increase over time.

3. Ensuring Diversification

Every experienced investor knows it: diversification is key for risk mitigation. Buying property abroad also means investing in a different type of asset, in another setting than the one you probably usually to. 

4. Protecting Your Asset

If your home country is suffering from some sort of political or economic instability, taking part in your investments abroad is the best way to safeguard that these assets will not be devalued or dilapidated.

5. Unlocking New Residency and Citizenship Options

There are still many countries that will grant extended residency permits or even citizenship when you invest in a local property. That real estate asset will have to be valued at a certain amount depending on the country and, in some cases, be part of a list of government-approved properties for that effect. Still, a great investment as you not only get a tangible asset, but also a pathway to global mobility and for an improved lifestyle.

Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024

Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024

Previously, we have mentioned that a real estate property can bring different types of returns depending on what your goal is. This is why it is important to evaluate which are, currently, the best places to buy real estate in the world in light of your objectives.

Countries Offering Residency to Real Estate Investors


The friendly people, the world-renowned beaches, the tasty and healthy cuisine, the amazing location... Having a property in Greece is a dream for many. Whether for living, for renting or for having a great vacation setting guaranteed, buying property in this Mediterranean wonder is a great choice as the country has an emerging real estate market and some highly sought-after areas. 

Greece’s Golden Visa Real Estate option is about to increase its minimum threshold from €250.000 to €800.000 in the most popular locations, and €400.000 for all others. However, a new option is rising as a good way for investors, which is to buy a €250.000 commercial property, then to restore and to convert it for residential purposes.


Spain’s delightful food, climate and culture can easily persuade you on why making a real estate investment there is a good idea. To top it off, this is a very stable country with a very promising long-term appreciation of its properties.

If the upbeat latino lifestyle is calling your name, we advise you to not waste any time. While now you can get, through the Golden Visa, a residency permit after purchasing one or more properties for the minimum amount of €500,000 each, the current Spanish government has given indication that plans to discontinue this option in the near future. That means that the time to invest in Spain is now.

Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024


Cyprus has all the stunning views an island promises with a very strategic location. Plus, it is also a historical place, full of culture and flavor and with a friendly tax regime.

Beautiful Cyprus stands as an interesting option for those looking to get a residency through real estate investment in Europe, at a more modest amount, as the minimum investment required is €300.000.

Best Countries to Invest in Real Estate in 2024


The United Arab Emirates are made of future, with a luxurious and fast-paced lifestyle that is perfect for investors on the hunt to have a property on this ever-evolving location. The strong interest the UAE rases on expats, not only for its quality of life, but also for its favorable tax regime, pushes the real estate market forward as demand is always on the rise. According to Global Property Guide, both sale prices and rentals registered around 21% annual increases in Dubai, for example.

The UAE is one of the countries where the purchase of a property can also grants you a residency permit, with a minimum investment requirement of AED 2 million, which is roughly USD $545,000.


Countries Offering Citizenship to Real Estate Investors


Some properties come with wooden floors, big windows and spacious rooms. Others come with the 7th most powerful passport in the world. But only if you invest in real estate in Malta. This mesmerizing Mediterranean country offers charm, location, stability and a great lifestyle.

By acquiring a property in Malta with a minimum value of €700,000 you will be able to obtain Permanent Residency in the country and, after holding your Residency Card for at least 12 short months, you can start the process for Citizenship eligibility.



The property market in Türkiye is one of the hottest international real estate opportunities, as it is growing fast and becoming more modernized, especially in cities such as Ankara, Antalya, Istanbul and Izmir. In 2023, the real estate market in the country reached an all-time high, price wise, showing its great potential for property appreciation. Besides that, Turkey, as it was formerly known, is a mystical and historical place, filed with a perfect blend of interesting traditions and modern lifestyle.

The Türkiye Golden Visa is totally based on real estate purchase and allows you to gain a Turkish passport in as little as 3 months after the minimal investment of USD $400,000.


Caribbean Islands

Purchasing a property in such a beautiful and touristic place as the Caribbean can be a great asset in many different ways. You can rent it with a good chance of having it occupied most of the time, you can use it as you vacation go to setting and get a great return in lifestyle, you can resell it down the road with an almost guaranteed appreciation, or you can do all of that.

In some specific islands you can also get a new citizenship and along with your new property, unlocking all the benefits of having a second passport.

The Antigua and Barbuda Golden Visa allows you to qualify for its citizenship by investment program through the purchase of a real estate property costing at least USD $325,000.

Grenada, on the other hand, has a more affordable real estate based Golden Visa program in which you can get your citizenship through a minimal purchase of USD $270,000 on government-selected properties focused on the tourism industry such as hotels, resorts and villas, or by purchasing a property, with full ownership, in the amount of ate least USD $350,000. For St. Lucia, the minimum amount invested in a government-approved real estate tourism-oriented property must be USD $300,000.

Dominica’s citizenship by investment can be obtained with a minimum investment of USD $200,000 in real estate property and in St. Kitts and Nevis through the purchase of a USD $400,000 Approved Development Unit or Approved Private Home, or USD $800,000 for a single, detached property.


Countries With a Growing Real Estate Market


Portugal has emerged as one of the most sought-after locations for expats in the world in the past years and the reasons for that are many. It is a safe and stable European country, one the safest in the world, in fact, with great weather, tasty cuisine and friendly people. This charming country also has interesting cities and beautiful nature, being both a great place to visit and to live.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the Portuguese real estate market has been in a consistent growth since tourists and expats have turned their eyes to this real gem. Currently, there are several new and refurbished properties on the market with prices in constant appreciation. Especially for big cities like Lisbon and Porto, and their surroundings, and the Algarve Region.

Portugal no longer has a real estate option on its Golden Visa programme, but you can become a resident through other forms of investment, such as in funds and in business ventures, and be close to your property if you choose so.



India’s capital, Mumbai, has just became the Asian capital that has the highest number of billionaires, a place formerly held by Beijing. This is just one indication of how India is growing and becoming a place to be considered.

The country is also facing swift urbanization and turning into a hub for IT companies and startups. The already large population is always increasing in size and so is the need for housing. In fact, Global Property Guide states that India has a healthy real estate market that remains upbeat with and increasing demand.

Maybe you have no plans of moving to India, but buying real estate is in this country would be all about investing in place that is still seeing a high in yields and appreciation.



According to Yahoo Finances, Singapore has the 6th fastest growing real estate market in the world, with a property prices growth of 5.85% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2023.

This island in Southeast Asia is also a sunny and tropical country that could be a good spot for a second home for investors that are already close enough to this part of the globe. If the idea is to buy a property to live in, Singapore happens to be a major hub for expats and a big financial center as well. However, it is important to take notice that this is a rather expensive country when it comes to cost of living.


Risks of Investing in Foreign Real Estate

Although investing in real estate is one of the safest investments there is, buying property overseas may pose some challenges, that will most likely differ from country to country.

In some, cultural and language barriers as well as some details about that particular market may cause some friction between involved parties such as sellers, buyers, tenants and local authorities. A local partner is a must in those cases.

Other nations can represent political, economic or currency instabilities and fluctuations which can impact the return of your investment.  Also, in some locations, unforeseen events such as natural disasters can put your asset at risk or affect its value.

Last but not least, managing a property from abroad can also be challenging and, once again, a good partner in the chosen location is key to having peace of mind.

Bear in mind that, with proper research, or the right investment advice, almost all of those risks can be brought down to a minimum.


The Importance of the Right Partner When Buying Real Estate Abroad

Investing in a property overseas can bring different and great types of return. It can provide a place where you can set up a new residence - getting an improved quality of life in return-, or a second home, that you can use as a holiday house during your time off, and as a mid- or short-term rental property when you are not visiting. It can also be an asset that you hold long enough for it to appreciate, before you sell it with a good profit margin. And, in all of those cases, it can also be a great way of enhancing your global mobility by getting residency or citizenship in the place you are investing in.

The benefits are many but, as it goes with any investment, especially with the ones made abroad, there can be some challenges involved. Fortunately, many risks can be mitigated or totally eliminated by having a team of experts, such as Investment Visa, as a trusted part of your endeavor.

That way, you do not have to learn every single detail of the complexities of the local real estate market, its laws and regulations, as we already have that knowledge and experience. Moreover, our assistance can be of great value right from the start, when you are still evaluating where to buy your next property. We will understand your needs and advise you on the location that will bring the return that will be best suited to you.

Talk to Investment Visa now and stop losing golden, limited, real estate opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When it comes to average house price increase, many sources agree that Türkiye took the lead in 2023 with an increase of over 75%.

Again, that will vary depending on where you are investing. It is important to get professional advice on how the tax system works for properties wherever you are investing, in order to minimize the impact it will have on your investment profitability.

One of the top locations for investors seeking to receive citizenship as a benefit of their real estate investment is the Caribbean, most specifically in Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada and St. Kitts and Nevis. In Europe, Malta and Türkiye (which also has part of its territory in the middle east) have Citizenship by Investment programs with real estate options. On the islands of Vanuatu, in the South Pacific, you can also get a second passport by purchasing property.

For more details, you can consult Investment Visa’s dedicated Citizenship by Investment page.

In Europe, some of the countries that grant residency permits after the purchase of a real estate property are Greece, Türkiye, Spain, Malta, Cyprus and Hungary. In the middle east you can find great options in the UAE and in Qatar.

Check out our Residency by Investment page for further information.

That will vary from country to country. While some will pose heavy restrictions, others will go the opposite way, offering benefits such as residency permits or a second passport for foreigners investing in their real estate market.

Thankfully, there are a lot of options online with details given in English. Check out our property dedicated page and start making your plans.

Of course, buying in prime locations such as Paris, London and New York still remain a profitable choice, as appreciation on those markets will likely never stop increasing. However, other things should be taken into consideration, case by case, leading to different cities in growing markets such as Lisbon, Porto, Istanbul, Ankara and Athens, for example.

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