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Where to Get a Golden Visa with Low Physical Residency Requirements

Is it Possible to Gain Residency in a New Country with a Low Physical Presence?

If you are interested in getting a residency permit in a new country without the need to move there, bear with us: it's possible, it’s easy, and it can be quite fast. How? Through one of the most straightforward and advantageous programs in the world, the Golden Visa.

However, each country will have its own Golden Visa Program, with distinct rules and requirements. Fortunately, some nations will ask for a very low physical presence—or none at all -becoming the perfect choice for investors who seek a residence permit for reasons other than pure relocation.

Securing residency through one of these Golden Visas can be a strategic way of optimizing taxes, protecting your wealth, future-proofing your family and also investing in potentially profitable assets. 

Countries with Minimal Requirements on Physical Presence for a Golden Visa Permit

greece athens acropolis areal view

When it comes to low physical presence, the Greece Golden Visa program is unbeatable, as you can maintain your permit without the need to ever be in the country. During the process, you’ll also only need to visit Greece once for the biometrics collection appointment. 

The best way to obtain the Greece Golden Visa: 

A €250,000 investment in commercial property converted into residential anywhere in the country. 

Other advantages of the program: 

  • High ROI potential by renting or reselling your property at the end of the program  
  • Visa-Free Travel to 29 European Schengen Countries 
  • Pathway to EU Citizenship 
  • Family Inclusion 

As you can see, Greece offers the best of both worlds. On the one hand, you don’t have to spend any time in the country if you don’t want to. As a plus, the minimal investment for a Golden Visa application is made on properties that are undergoing profound rehabilitation, most of which are located in prestigious areas of the country. That means that renting them will be easy and lucrative, and selling them at the end of the program will bring amazing yields.  

<< Schedule a Free Consultation Now and Secure your 250k Greece Golden Visa >>

portugal lisbon belem tower aerial view

Another European country that offers a pathway to residency with low requirements when it comes to physical presence is Portugal. With the Portugal Golden Visa, you’ll only need to spend 7 days in the first year, then 14 days every following 2-year period, either consecutively or intermittently.

The best way to obtain the Portugal Golden Visa:

A €500,000 investment in selected government-regulated funds (non-real estate).

Other advantages of the program:

  • Potential Return on Investment
  • Shortest Pathway to EU Citizenship (no physical presence required)
  • Visa-Free Travel to 29 European Schengen Countries.
  • Family Inclusion

cyprus north harbour aerial view

The Island of Cyprus is also highly competitive when it comes to granting a low residency requirement for the Golden Visa since you only have to be in the country for one day every two years. The process is also done online, with only one physical biometrics appointment being needed.

The best way to obtain the Cyprus Golden Visa:

€300,000 investment in a residential property that is the first sale from a development company or a commercial property, which can be a resale.

Other advantages of the program: 

  • ROI potential by renting or reselling your property at the end of the program
  • Attractive Tax Policy
  • Pathway to Citizenship
  • Family Inclusion

It’s important to keep in mind that, although Cyprus is aiming at becoming a full Schengen member by the end of 2025, there is still no confirmation that this will happen. 

<< Talk to Us and Find Out How to Get a Golden Visa with Low Residency Requirements >>

malta valletta city aerial view

Through the Permanent Residence Program, you can obtain residency in Malta without having to spend any time on the island other than the day you are required to attend some key appointments like the biometric data collection one.

The best way to obtain a Residency Permit in Malta:

€375,000 investment in real estate property

Other advantages of the program:

  • ROI potential by renting or reselling your property at the end of the program
  • Pathway to Citizenship (physical presence is needed in this case)
  • Family Inclusion (Up to 4 generations, as long as there is proof that they are dependents of the main applicant)

How to Apply for a Golden Visa with Short Residency Requirements 

The first step may be the most difficult one: weighing in on the pros and cons of each Golden Visa program to choose the one that suits you best. That’s where our experts here at Investment Visa enter. They can give detailed information, taking into account your specific case. Not only that, but they can guide you through the whole process, from the investment to the application.

Investment Visa’s knowledgeable team has helped over 2000 clients obtain their visas by investing in some of the best programs in the world, and they can help you, too.

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